Research activities

Research Profile
  Total number of Publications (Journals) : 99 + 6 (communicated/under review)  
  Total number of citations : 950 +  
  h-index : 18  
  g-index : 26  
  RG – Score : 26.15  
  Conference proceedings : 91
Research Interests
  • Health effects of natural radiation and their risk evaluation
  • Indoor radon, their sources and its mitigation methods and dosimeters
  • Heavy ion interactions with dielectrics
  • Super conducting thin wires and Medical & Biophysics
  • Nano-materials for radiation detection
Supervision of Master, M.Phil and Doctoral Research
  • Recognized Research guide for
    1. University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, INDIA. (Since 23/8/2006) UO No.Ac.E1 A.2.2307/06 dated 23/08/2006
    2. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, INDIA. (Since 10/11/2006) UO. No. Ac.AVI/1/4756/RG/06 dated 10/11/2006
    3. Bharathiar Univeristy, Coimbatore, INDIA. (Since 3/1/2008)
    4. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Since 30/06/2010)
  •  Ph Ds (Awarded)
    1. 1

      Dr. Prameela J (University of Kerala)(2008)

      Effect of electromagnetic fields on the physiology of selected rapid cycling plants


      Dr. Christa E Pereira (University of Kerala)(2010)

      Study of indoor radiation in the south west coastal region of Kerala due to radon and its progeny


      Dr. Y Shyma Mary (Bharathiar University) (2016)

      Spectroscopic investigations of certain salicylates and benzamides


      Dr. Ben Byju S (Bharathiar University) (2016)        

      Study of effect of high background radiation as a causative agent for certain congenital malfunctions


      Dr. Rani K. Pillai (University of Kerala, Kerala) (2017)

      Study of gross gamma activity in the indoor atmosphere along the south-west coast
      of  Kerala


      Dr. Shana Parveen S (University of Kerala, Kerala) (2018)

      Spectroscopic investigations (Experimental and theoretical) of certain aromatic bioactive molecules


      Mrs. Aswathy V. V. (University of Kerala, Kerala) (2018)

      Spectroscopic investigations and DFT computations of some organic compounds


      Dr. Reeba Maria Jose (Bharathiar University, Coimbatore) (2019)  

      Studies on the levels of uranium, thorium and potassium in soil and its uptake by vegetation in the HBRA of southwest coast of Kerala


      Dr Visnuprasad A. K. (University of Kerala, Kerala) (2019)

      Dosimetric profiling and the source term analysis in the southern coastal region of  Kerala


      Dr. Monica S (University of Kerala, Kerala) (2019)

      Assessment of various dose components to the human beings due to natural radiation


      Dr. Dhanya Balakrishnan (Bharathiar University, Coimbatore) (2019)

      A study on distribution and uptake of natural radionuclides in terrestrial environment of Eloor island


      Mrs. Arunima S (Bharathiar University, Coimbatore) (2019)

      Study of ingestion dose due to primordial radionuclides through food stuff in the high background radiation areas of Kerala.


      Mrs. Lekshmi R (Bharathiar University, Coimbatore) (2019)

      Study of primeval radio-isotopes in soil and the external radiation dose to the human beings in the coastline villages of southern Kerala


      Ms. Bindhu Christopher (University of Kerala, Trivandrum) (2019)

      Study of Non-ionizing Band of Electromagnetic Radiation due to mobile


      Ms Soniya S R (University of Kerala, Trivandrum) (2020)

      Diffusion and exhalation of naturally occurring carcinogenic gases from soil and building materials

  •  M.Phil (Awarded)
    1. Dr. Beena Salim (University of Kerala)(2000)
      Infrared spectroscopy of certain natural crystals
    2. Dr. Christa E Pereira (University of Kerala)(2005)
      Study of radon exhalation cialis cheap rates from commonly used building materials.
    3. Mr. Osbin K (Bharathidasan University, Trichy)(2008)
      Investigations of radon exhalation rates from building materials and their radioactive elemental analysis
    •  M Sc. (through research) – 1. Shiang Wong (University of Malaya)
    •  Supervise three internal students and three external students each year for Masters degree since 1993.
    •  Students pursuing research for Ph D
Research Projects Undertaken
NoTitleDuration & statusFunding agencyValue of FundResponsibility
12National Radiation Monitoring Program2020-21 (Approved)International Atomic Energy Agency3,28,400 Euro (26.27  Million INR)Main Counter Part (Investigator)
11Indoor radiation levels and dose assessment to the populace in the city of Lae in Papua New Guinea2017-2018 (Completed)The PNG University of Technology, Lae, PNG9727 K (INR 1,90,000)Principal Investigator
10Dosimetric profiling and somatic mutation studies in permanent residents of Panmana Panchayat, Kerala01/09/2014 to 31/08/2018 (Completed)Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Mumbai46,97,750 INRPrincipal Investigator
9Spatial distribution of uranium and associated water quality parameters in the southern districts of Kerala01/05/2016 To 30/04/2018 (Completed)Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Mumbai26,94,300 INRCo – Investigator
8Studies on the surface exhalation fluxes of radon and thoron in monazite bearing sands in the southern coastal areas of Kerala01/09/2013 to 31/08/2016 (Completed)Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Mumbai34,56,000 INRCo – Investigator
7Assessment of radio nuclide transfer factor in edible flora using electrically cooled HPGe detectorJune 2011-May2012 (Completed)University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur8,85,000 INRCo – Investigator
6Synthesis and Characterization of nano crystalline TiO2 powder/films by hydrothermal methodApril 2010 –March 2012 (Completed)University Grants Commission75,000 INRCo – Investigator
5Development of cost effective and sensitive                                  Thermo Luminescent Detectors for environmental radiation studyApril 2009 – March 2013 (Completed)  Science Technology & Environment Committee,                                  Government of Kerala13,00,000 INRCo – Investigator
4Ingestion Dosimetry for Assessment of individual dose to the population in the HBRA April 2009 to March 2013 Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences  48,29,600/-  INRPrincipal Investigator
3Extensive inhalation and external gamma radiation dosimetric studies for assessing effects of low and chronic radiation exposures on the health of human populations in the Monazite                                    bearing areas in Kollam and Alleppy Districts, KeralaFebruary 1, 2006 to April 30, 2009 Completed    Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay  49,50,000/- INRPrincipal Investigator
2A study of a and b radioactivity levels in the                                    building materials used along the south west coast of KeralaAugust 1, 1999 to July 31, 2002 CompletedUniversity Grants Commission78,000 INRPrincipal Investigator
1Microanalysis of Uranium in water samples collected from the south west coast of Kerala.”August 1, 1995 to July 31, 1998. CompletedScience Technology & Environment Committee,                                  Government of Kerala.85,000 INRPrincipal Investigator
Total research funds mobilizedINR 4,95,10,650 º Є 6,18,883